Definition of Online Education, its History and Development.

Online education is also known as online learning or e-learning.

Photo credit: Tartila

According to Desmond Keegan (1988), this way of learning is different from traditional learning since it is not face-to-face. In general, it can simply mean that gaining knowledge through the online lectures or videos by the college, university and attending assessments administered online after the course.

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Georgie Miller (2014) defines online education as “correspondence course” which first appeared in the 1700s. At that time, teachers and students were only able to exchange letters. Until 1892, the University of Chicago officially proceeded the correspondence course and become the first school offering this new learning technique. Later in 1922, Pennsylvania State College had benefited from the broadcast by spreading their courses over the radio, another form of online learning. In the 1960s, some universities started providing televised courses and telephone-based distance learning programs. Nova Southeastern University began offering the degrees after finishing the online courses in 1985. In the context of a rapidly developing technology, most major universities have been adding online courses to their curriculum and people all around the world can easily access to the Internet to learn and get additional certificates or qualifications.

Photo credit: Giuseppe_R
Photo credit: Mary Burns
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